Compliance Incubator

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In Nigeria, compliance issues pose significant barriers for WSMEs in both public and private procurement processes. In public procurement, challenges often stem from complex documentation requirements and bureaucratic procedures, which can deter WSMEs from participating effectively.
Similarly, in private procurement, WSMEs face obstacles
such as limited access to information about procurement opportunities and difficulty in meeting the stringent supplier criteria set by larger companies. In response, we introduced the Compliance Help Desk to assist in navigating the process and provide access to professional assistance. Through this initiative, we supported 116 women in enhancing their processes to achieve readiness regarding compliance.

Criteria for Participation

Location of Business

Women who have registered business in Lagos and Kaduna.

Active Participation

Women who actively engage in and demonstrate commitment
during capacity training sessions.

Compliance History

Evaluation of past compliance history, including an understanding of challenges faced in meeting regulatory requirements.

Bidding Engagement

Consideration for women who express eagerness to apply for bids and actively participate in collaboration bids during training.

Business Capacity

Selection of businesses with the potential for expansion, acknowledging that the right support can contribute to their growth.

Diversity and Inclusion

Ensuring a diverse and inclusive selection process by considering women from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and demographic groups.

Long-Term Viability

Assessment of the long-term sustainability of selected businesses and how compliance support can positively impact their ongoing operations